Feb. 28, 2023

The Sacred Feminine: A Portal to Self-Love w/ Stephanie Jameson of Divine Soul Journey

Self-love, self-care, and boundaries are all the buzz today, but do you even know what this means or looks like? That is the question and embracing your Sacred Feminine is the answer.

Women, especially you empathic women, have been conditioned from childhood to overgive and to make other people happy at your own expense. The journey of the empath is to learn to honor your needs and to fall back in love with yourself.  As Stephanie Jameson of Divine Soul Journey shares, “the sacred feminine knows what she wants and she draws boundaries.”

Tune in to learn the signs that indicate if you are a healthy giver or receiver; the balance of the masculine and feminine; and how to know if someone is good for you after you’ve spent time together.

To learn more about Stephanie Jameson, her books, her offerings, and Divine Soul Journey visit: https://www.divinesouljourney.net

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Stephanie Jameson

Stephanie Jameson

Through intuitive work and coaching, Stephanie is committed to helping others connect with spirit as well as offer guidance that can help heal inner child wounding, karmic patterns & conditioned beliefs that keep them from living in alignment with the abundance they are truly worthy of.

Stephanie is a two time Simon and Schuster published author and her work is featured on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target, Walmart and Waterstones.

Stephanie is passionate about transformation. She enjoys helping others bridge the gap between logic and spirit as they unlearn and begin to courageously honor and align with their heart wisdom.